Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bass Fishing Trivia - How Well Do You Score?

By: Cody Hanhan

To test your fishing trivia knowledge, take this test and give yourself 1 point for every correct answer. Be warned, this quiz is tough.

Q. In what century did bass fishing begin?

A. Bass fishing is an old sport. The correct answer is that it started in the 18th century. However, like most beginnings it was a rudimentary beginning, the progress we've made a few centuries is almost frightening. Most likely, it began in the southern regions of the US. But, today bass fishing is an international obsession and professional as well as amateur fishing competitions can be found all over the world.

Q. When was the first bass fishing reel invented?

A. Between 1768 and 1770. The first multiplying reel was invented during this time. This is the great great granddaddy of your modern bait casting reel. The proud inventor was one Onesimus Ustonson. Three cheers for Onesimus!

Q. Who invented the first level-wind design reel?

A. No other than William Shakespeare Jr. from Shakespeare Company fame. Before he secured a patent for his invention in 1897 he was a patent medicine salesman. His invention was a hit with fisherman of his day and as they say "the rest is history..."

Q. What year was the first spinner lure created?

A. 1915. This was the creation of the William J. Jamison Co. The spinner that started it all was called the Twin Spinner is the grandpa of your modern spinner.

Q. Can you name the US president that precipitated today's bass fisheries?

A. Did you guess Franklin D. Roosevelt? I hope so. You are correct. He created the Tennesse Valley Authority which was responsible for the building of various dams throughout the united states. These impoundments became the playgrounds of today's bass fishermen.

Q. Which US Company is responsible for the development of nylon fishing line?

A. DuPont invented nylon in and started selling nylon monofilament fishing lines.

Q. In what year did the first professional bass fisherman win the first million dollars in fishing?

A. The year is 1992 and the winner of was Larry Nixon and those million dollars where the the total earnings he made in one year fishing professionally.

Q. Can you name three species of bass that are currently being fished in professional bass fishing events?

A. Large mouth bass, small mouth bass, and Kentucky bass

Q. In what decade did bass fishing first become popular?

A. The 1950's is widely considered as the decade that popularized bass fishing in the United States and prompted the technical developments in bass rods, reels, boats and lines that we enjoy today.

Q. How much money does the bass fishing industry contribute to the US economy?

A. You would probably be surprised to know that the the bass fishing industry is responsible for $50 - $70 billion dollars of activity in the US economy, and that number is growing every year as fishing related sales increase because of bass fishing's growing popularity.

Have you ever heard of fly and bubble fishing? If you've experimented with this technique but had poor results, or just want the best instruction available on this technique before you try it, so you can get it right the first time, then check out for the in-depth expose you've been looking for.

For general spinning guidance, I recommend (especially for beginners.)

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